Monday, February 10, 2014

Introduction: When a Prophet Calls

After many nights of pondering about whether or not to do this blog, I came to the conclusion, JUST DO IT! A wise man recently said, "too much thinking and not enough acting can be bad."   So it is with our faith, " without works, is dead, being alone." -James 2:17 When we choose to act on our faith, that is when we will see the fruits or desired blessings.
 About 16 months ago the prophet of our church lowered the age at which young adults could serve full-time missions. 
"Today I am pleased to announce that able, worthy young women who have the desire to serve may be recommended for missionary service beginning at age 19, instead of age 21."   
This short announcement changed my entire life.  At the time, I was attending a cute, little community college in Mesa, AZ.  I was taking a few pre-reqs to get into the dental hygiene program while I was also working at the front desk in my dad's dental office.  You would think the plans for my life were all set.
Our Heavenly Father knows each of us individually.  He knows not only who we are right now, but who we can become.  If we will align our will with His, we will ultimately find true happiness.
After 2-3 weeks of pondering about whether or not to serve, I came to the conclusion, JUST DO IT!  I began filling out my papers and less than a month later I received a letter in the mail saying that I was called  to serve in the...
Oregon Eugene Mission.
I was so pumped! The Spirit confirmed that Oregon was where Heavenly Father needed me.  I was ready to serve!....or so I thought.
Missionary work is full of ups and downs.  Miracles and rejection, tears of joy and tears of pain, apple pie and freezer burned green beans. "For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things.."2 Nephi 2:11
Heavenly Father knows we will grow the most through experiencing difficulties.  As we choose to follow Jesus Christ we can build our lives on a solid foundation and overcome any obstacles that come our way.  That is why I chose to follow Christ and...
build my life upon a rock.